Subject Verb Agreement Guide

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammatical rule that every writer and copy editor should master. It refers to the proper matching of the subject and verb in a sentence, ensuring that they agree in terms of number and person. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action, while the verb is the action or state of being. When they don`t agree, the sentence sounds awkward, confusing, and unprofessional, which can hurt your credibility as a writer.

To help you avoid these errors, here`s a subject-verb agreement guide that covers the basic rules and exceptions:

1. Singular subjects need singular verbs, while plural subjects need plural verbs.

For instance: «She walks in the park every day,» but «They walk in the park every day.»

2. Compound subjects that are joined by «and» require plural verbs.

For instance: «John and Mary are going to the store.»

3. When the subject is separated from the verb by a phrase or clause, make sure to match the verb with the subject.

For instance: «The girl, with her red hair and green eyes, is waiting for her friend.»

4. Indefinite pronouns like «everyone,» «no one,» and «someone» are singular and require singular verbs.

For instance: «Everyone knows that honesty is the best policy.»

5. Collective nouns like «team,» «family,» and «class» are singular, but if they refer to the members, they can be plural.

For instance: «The team is playing tonight,» but «The team members are wearing different uniforms.»

6. The use of «there» as the subject of a sentence does not change the verb`s agreement with the true subject.

For instance: «There are two apples on the table» (not «There is two apples on the table»).

7. When the subject is a fraction or a measurement, the verb agrees with the noun following «of.»

For instance: «Two-thirds of the class are late» (not «Two-thirds of the class is late»).

Keep in mind that subject-verb agreement may seem simple, but it`s easy to make mistakes, especially with complex sentences or unusual subjects. Therefore, it`s crucial to read your writing carefully, double-check your grammar, and use reliable resources like style guides or grammar books. By following these rules and practicing regularly, you can improve your writing skills and deliver error-free content that resonates with your audience and boosts your SEO efforts.

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